Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Keeping Abreast of Parasitic Implants!

Keeping Abreast of Parasitic Implants!

When an advisory panel to the Food and Drug Administration recommended
that silicone gel-filled breast implants be reinstated after having
been banned years ago on health concerns, the membership of that panel
got little mention.

That panel was made up of plastic-surgery experts including practicing
plastic surgeons. Are alarm bells ringing for you? One of those
so-called experts was University of Texas plastic surgeon Michael
Miller, who said afterwards: The risks are well-defined and small.
The patient can decide.

But what if the patient is deciding based on false medical risk
evaluations? Implant manufacturer Inamed told the panel that the
rupture rate of its implants was 1.2% for women who had breast
augmentation. Is that true?

Where can you get the truth about breast implants and their impact on
the human body? Not from the manufacturers that make billions of
dollars selling these toxic bags of ego gratification. Not from the US
congress, and definitely not from the mainstream media.

Ilena Rosenthal created and heads the largest breast implant support
group in the world. Their services to those afflicted by implant
problems are just now available again, having been closed for lack of
funding. She says her phone rings daily and her email is overflowing
with painful calls from women realizing too late the web of deceit
plastic surgeons and the silicone manufacturers have woven.

That two day FDA hearing, heard from just such women.

Women like Susan Cunningham, now too sick to work, who told the panel
her body was racked with joint pain after getting silicone implants.
Women like Carolyn Wolf, who got silicone implants in 1971, following
a double mastectomy, and developed blisters on her neck, rheumatoid
arthritis and neurological damage to an eye, as silicone spread
throughout her body. Even today silicone still oozes from her nipples.
She pleaded with the panel: We beg you, please protect the younger
generation. To no avail.

Are these just isolated incidents in an otherwise rosy picture? The
truth will shock you. The implant industry been engaging in the
practice of constructing deliberately false studies run by claimed
independent researchers, some of whom the industry simply buys and


An outspoken critic of his own profession, Dr Joseph Mercola says
studies never cited by implant proponents tell a far different tale.
Not an over 90% plus success rate --but 90% failure. How has the
industry managed to paint a picture of implant safety that is the
polar opposite of the reality.

The big lie has been achieved by a brilliant, multi million dollar
public relations coup of enormous proportions. That PR lie has been
exposed by media watchdogs such as PR Watch.

They found that among women who got implants for cosmetic reasons,
nearly 21% needed a repeat operation. They found that for years, women
have been lulled into a false belief, that they had a 95% chance of
being rupture free. The contrary is true said the PR Watch report.

Alarming, indisputable evidence was released in October 2000, when the
FDA published one of the few objective studies which revealed that 69%
of these women had at least one ruptured implant, most without any
knowledge of it, in implants over an average of 17 years old. Other
studies have revealed an over 90% chance of rupture within 20 years.

An internal memo by manufacturer Dow Corning --uncovered by
anti-implant activists from the 1990's-- had this sentence by Dow CEO
Dan Hayes: The issue of cover-up is going well from a long-term

That cover-up has been orchestrated by the slickest public relations
consultancy in the business, Burson-Marsteller. The tactics have been
low and dirty. An internal memo by the firm wrote Women (including
celebrities) will be trained and testimony will be written for them to
deliver before Congressional committees.

Another internal document describes Burson-Marsteller's grassroots
organizing tactics: Utilize a well-known celebrity who has breast
implants for reconstructive purposes to speak out on the benefits of
them. Utilize spokespeople drawn from women's cancer support groups in
major markets to defend implants by writing letters to the editor,
participating in media interviews, and communicating positive messages
to women's groups in their regions.

It has been a campaign so slick and so prolonged that not only has the
implant industry headed of litigation they once feared would bankrupt
them, but, emboldened has had the sheer gall to force the implants
back on the market. All hail the mighty PR machine.

Too late, reality has struck thousands of ill and disfigured women who
found their cherished breast implants costing them their insurance,
their health, their beauty, their vitality, their families, their
careers, and possibly their lives. The gel even crosses the placenta
to affect the unborn fetus to scar a next generation.

Truth is, implants are a big money earner for plastic surgeons and the
manufacturers. Up to almost a quarter of a million women have their
breasts enlarged every year -and the total is rising. But even those
saline implants are far from safe. In the spring of 2000, when the FDA
approved two saline brands, the agency was already sitting on over
50,000 reports of serious adverse reactions from water-filled

After the FDA panel recommendation, shares in implant manufacturer
Inamed, soard 23%, driving the closing price to $84, an all-time high.
Oppenheimer analyst Juan Noble, said Inamed will now: e able to
start cannibalizing their own saline implants and make more money.
Interesting choice of word that: cannibalizing

As women implant activists have cautioned cautioned: Women need to
opt out of the consumer society image industry. Don't they just.

This culture has turned them into objects to be consumed by their own
egos, lusted after by infantile males and preyed opon by the profit
hungry body image industry.

A woman is a person --not a product. Accept yourself, be yourself and
for God's sake, take care of yourself. Because the breast implant
industry is a parasite on women and is nothing short of pure
unadulterated evil.

Our guest, Ilena Rosenthal's

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