Monday, November 10, 2008

The Power Of Your Garage When Selling

A home with a garage is always more attractive to buyers than one without a garage. That being said, issues concerning your garage go much farther than just the existence of one.

The Power Of Your Garage When Selling

If you have ever lived somewhere without a garage, you know what a pain it is. You car is constantly getting dirty even if covered by one of those cheesy carports. If it is raining or snowing, you have to hoof it through the elements to your front door. When you buy groceries, you have to haul them from your parking spot to your door. If you live in a busy area, you may have to walk a block or two just to get to your door. All and all, it is annoying and will slowly drive you nuts.

If you are trying to sell a home without a garage, you could be in for a difficult time. Unless you are willing to build one, however, there is not much you can do about it. Most homes these days come with garages, which makes life fairly easy. That being said, when it comes time to sell your property, it is not enough to simply say you have a garage.

Buyers are very picky when they go house hunting. Sellers, on the other hand, tend to consider their home to be only those parts they spend most of their time. In many cases, this sets the garage up to be an area of conflict between seller and buyer expectations. A house can be in pristine condition and perfect for a buyer, but a bad garage can kill the deal.

As a seller, you need to understand that the garage is just as important as the rooms in the interior of your home. This means you need to get rid of all the junk you have stored in it. Either throw the stuff out or stick it in an offsite storage facility. If walls are unpainted, chipped or the paint is failing, fix them! An area where your garage can really make a difference in the sales process is cabinets. Much like a kitchen, nice cabinets can be a huge selling point.

Regardless of the specifics, take the time to make your garage as pristine as a bedroom and you will set yourself apart from other homes being sold in your neighborhood.

Raynor James is with the site - FSBO America - FSBO homes for sale by owner.

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